British Comedy Guide

Status report Page 2,756


Just noticed my book, Big Bang, is at #3 on Amazon's Techno thriller charts for the Kindle Reader and is outselling Tom Clancy and Ken Follett, and giving Poul Anderson a run for his money too.

Product artwork - buy at Amazon
See Amazon product listing

If only the paperback version was selling so well :)

Quote: SlagA @ September 21 2010, 10:29 PM BST

Just noticed my book, Big Bang, is at #3 on Amazon's Techno thriller charts and is outselling Tom Clancy and Ken Follett, and giving Poul Anderson a run for his money too.

Product artwork - buy at Amazon
See Amazon product listing

If only the paperback version was selling so well :)

Congrats mate!! :D

Wow, well done. :)

Congrats. There's hope for all us Shoot the Writers graduates!

I forgot to mention that it was the eBook version doing so well, not the paperback. Thanks all. :)

10 points and 60 seconds of frenzied masturbation to anyone that can find out for me what goddam episode of Hotel Trubble was shown on BBC1 at 4pm yesterday. The TV listings only go from today - everything before that seems to have been eaten by the Langoliers. (Obscure horror film reference, sorry).

The iPlayer doesn't seem to be much more use.

Season 2 Episode 1 of 13

Now, get wanking.


Quote: Nil Putters @ September 21 2010, 11:17 PM BST

Season 2 Episode 1 of 13

Now, get wanking.


Putters you absolute diamond.

I'll be round in a few minutes with a selection of Marigolds and a lubrication of your choice. A cursory glance around the kitchen reveals that I have some pan-scouring liquid, some Mr Muscle oven cleaner, and half a carton of uneaten Prawn Madras.

Choose wisely, my son ;)

Quote: SlagA @ September 21 2010, 10:45 PM BST

I forgot to mention that it was the eBook version doing so well, not the paperback. Thanks all. :)

Well done Mr Slagg. I'd like to read that actually. How many of my hard-earned sheckels must I part with to peer into the murky universe beyond the dreads?

Hmmm I'd have to go for the pan-scouring liquid, it can get ugly down there.

The door's on the latch.

Quote: SlagA @ September 21 2010, 10:45 PM BST

I forgot to mention that it was the eBook version doing so well, not the paperback. Thanks all. :)

Wave Hi there A, congrats.

Where can we buy the paperback? Don't have one of those fancy Kindle thingies.

There's a link in the link of his post. :D
Product artwork - buy at Amazon
See Amazon product listing ;)


Putters is Link-man!!

Quote: Gavin @ September 22 2010, 12:10 AM BST

Putters is Link-man!!



Goooooo Putters!

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