Saturday 19th December 2009 8:32pm
Finger Lakes region of NY
5,220 posts
Hi everyone. After much prayer and deep thought, we have decided to bow out of the adoption process for my husband's cousin's kids. They are going to start a new life with another of Matt's cousins who are childless and were already looking to adopt anyways. They'll be in an insanely large house in a school district that has every program and service available to tend to their needs. They will be raised by the 2 of the nicest people I know (my hubby and Adam have always been more like brothers than cousins, and Nicole is a gentle sweet woman who has always loved any child as if they were her own). The paperwork is just about finished now and Matt and I are already written into Adam and Nicole's will to take custody of the kids if anything happens to them. As they won't have any grandparents (there's only 2 and they live in Hawaii) we are going to be the place they go for vacations and sleepover nights.
It breaks my heart not to have them with us, but I know that they will be well cared for and loved in their new family. They'll only be 15 minutes away from us and we'll see them all the time. They'll get all the attention they need and deserve and won't have to share as they would at our house.
I am so glad that I went through this process though. If my husband and I hadn't stepped up to take them in, they would have most likely gone to Vicki, their mother's horrible "friend" who spent all their mother's money in the weeks before she died. By casting my doubts about her, an investigation was started and "Aunt Vicki" is now sitting in jail for grand theft, drugs (she was on meth when they took her in), and endangering the welfare of a child, amongst many other charges. She admitted to destroying the will their mother had (the kids were to go to their father, so evidently the will was old, as he's been in jail for almost 2 years now). So, for me it was worth it to not get the kids if it meant that I kept them from going to her.
So Christmas will be a little sad for me this year, but joyful too as I know know that Apryl, Sophie and Jack are going to be okay and that they'll still be close.