Monday 12th October 2009 10:21pm [Edited]
11,156 posts
Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ October 12 2009, 6:59 PM BST
Just pushed out. I always feel like I'm the one saying the stupid thing or asking the stupid question.
In that case, don't feel that that way. The fact you are asking questions puts you leagues ahead as far as your tutor is concerned. Most students make the mistake of basically keeping their mouths shut in an attempt to impress their tutors and that can back fire because while some tutors are quite fond of having their bottoms kissed, others hate it and can spot it a mile off. The fact you are asking questions and asking for help now at this early point, your tutor is thinking "this is someone who wants to learn".
When I was mentoring last year, I had three students. One of them was incredibley scared to death, like you and he was constantly contacting me and running stuff by me all the time and he did the same with his tutor. He was scared he was going to fail his PAR so badly. He got a first. He got it because talking to his tutor and me, he got information he needed to put everything he learnt together and got suggestions for sources to look up, giving him a great edge, and he shared with his fellow students who shared their experiences back. One of my other students was a bit of a know it all who I didn't see a lot of and thought he totally understood what he was doing and he FAILED! He failed because he didn't see his tutor, he didn't contact me, he talked a good talk but didn't seem to understand fully what it was he was talking about and at the last minute, he paniced and attempt to cheat on his working journal.
You are asking questions not because you are stupid but because you are smart enough to know that is the way to learn. Rudolf Steiner says "Education is a journey, not a race" and I personally apply that to life. 

PS have dedicated my spider costume to you on my site. 
You are now famous.