British Comedy Guide



Interviewer : "In what is being called 'Final Societal Breakdown' or F.

S.B. by social commentators, violent teenage gang members throughout

Britain are beginning to demand expensive Psychoanalysis from top

shrinks, sometimes even making their demands at gunpoint. We have in

our studio two people very much in the forefront of the debate.

Jennifer Wright is head of the South London Psychotherapy Group. She

has practised as a Psychiatrist for over 15 years. Gary Marsh is the

ex- leader of the notorious Inter City Firm a gang that has terrorised

football stadiums up and down the country since the 1970's. Miss


Jennifer : "Mrs Wright. I am married to a Black man"

Interviewer : "Sorry Mrs Wright how bad has this situation got ?"

Jennifer : "Psychoanalysis has taken over from Nike products and

mobile phones as the new street cred currency. Strict Freudian analysis

by a world renowned psychiatrist can rocket a new gang member to almost

iconic status within just 6 months. The problem is most gang members

cannot afford the ludicriously high prices these doctors charge, so

many have resorted to the use of guns to get what they want."

Interviewer ; " And people are actually beginning to get attacked ?"

Jennifer : "Oh yes it is true, such attacks are now common place. Only

last month a gang of three hoodied teenagers burst into my office ,

tied my hands behind my back, and demanded 50 minutes of strict Jungian

Psychotherapy each .It is difficult to encourage a client to explore

lost or undeveloped part's of his psyche , when a fellow gang member is

holding a gun to your head .I believed that one particular young man

was fixated in the Anal stage but was too afraid to tell him in case

his friend shot me"

Interviewer: "Quite. Gary this really seems to have become a problem.

Have you any explanation for this new kind of gang violence ?"

Gary : "I dunno. Nike, Rolex, Gold all that stuff it's out now man. If

you can talk about how your mother's badness led you to being a violent

psychopath you will gain more street cred nowadays. When I described to

other members of the gang how dream analysis had helped me overcome my

fear of Mexicans, I shot up the rankings. It's just what the bro's are

into. But we aint got the money to go into long term Psychoanalysis so

we just gotta take it"

Interviewer : "But there have been reports of psychologists and

psychiatrists actually getting shot in certain parts of the South


Gary : "Sure, when I was in the Firm we broke into this private

therapy centre in Harley Street".

Interviewer : "And what happenned"

Gary : "I was getting to that"

Interviewer :"I'm so sorry."

Gary : "Well we got this guy to start giving psychoanalysis to my mate

Vinny. We made it clear we wanted strict Kleinian therapy. Melanie

Klein was this Ho who invented object relations theory. It's all about

emotional deprivation in childhood and shit. It would have suited my

mate good you know what I mean. Anyway this muppet starts going on

about how Vinny should start punishing some behaviours that he does and

start rewarding others. Anyone could tell this was basic Classical

conditioning. What did he take us for a bunch of mugs".

Interviewer : "So what did you do ?"

Gary :"We shot the bastard"

Short shocked pause

Jennifer : "Can I just say must first husband was also black"

Interviewer : "Well thank you both. This is certainly a problem that

will not disappear overnight".

Jennifer : "I have a dog called Pavlov. Come to think of it that's black as



It's a good idea but way to much exposition with out gags.

The psyocannalysts speaches really drag.

I thought so, thanks Sootyj. I have to look at the way I write sketches and cut out a lot of stuff.

This is great. Thought the gag density was fine; the absurdity of the premise carried it.

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