I agree with Michael that some aspiring writers do want everything to fail and we writers do tend to go a bit OTT at times in the face of a bad series. I also agree with posters that say if you write consistenly good stuff and get it out there, you will eventually get spotted. Michael seems to be an example of a great champion of new writers, provider of advice etc and I wish there were more people like him.
On the other hand, it's not suprising that aspiring writers can get annoyed when they get letters from e.g. Writers Room saying their scripts aren't good enough because they failed for X and Y reasons, and then see a broadcast series that consistently makes the same errors (not on purpose). Or series that must have been commissioned (at least I hope that was the case) without seeing a script or without any sign of an innovative feature in the concept. Plus, we all got into writing because we love watching good comedy - I bang on and on at everyone I know when i see a really good show because I want them to be seen and similarly good/innovative shows to be commissioned.
2 Pints does get unfair criticism in that it does what it says on the tin (I liked and always watched the earlier series), but when you repeat one series a million times on BBC3 then you are bound to get people's backs up. I'm surprised he chose My Family though as it's a bad example to support his argument. If you gave most sitcom concepts that quality of star actors and gave them long runs in a prime time slot then most would acquire those sort of viewing figures. If you took out Lindsay, Wannamaker and Marshall and replaced them with bog standard actors, then gave it a 6 episode run in a non-flagship slot, My Family would have died a death straight away because in terms of concept, character and plots it doesn't offer anything that hasn't been seen before countless times (or in 100 scripts Writers Room rejects every year).