British Comedy Guide

Cedric's Suicide Saga

Here's my first animation, freshly stuffed into the cultural cesspit that is YouTube.

Critique, comments, flirtation and hatred are welcome.


I thought it was creative Tommy. I felt that the type of music that you used matched the storyline very well. Most of all, I liked the visual of the other guy's face. Nice in a minimalist kind of way.

Cheers Nigel. It's not meant to be funny in a laugh-out-loud way, and the animation doesn't have great artistic merit, but I'm reasonably pleased with it as a debut short. Music is original too - I hoped it was jam-like.

I liked it. Very subtle. Like you said it wasn't laugh out loud funny, but enjoyable none the less. Nice one.

There were some nice touches in there, Tommy, but you needed more of a story I think. Or else you need to be more willfully bizarre. Something was missing anyway. I was left feeling a bit empty at the end of it. Perhaps that's what you wanted.

A good dry run anyway. Keep working on them - I'd like to see where you go with them.

A lot of creativity here. I enjoyed the look and sound of the piece, not funny as such, but lots of amusing touches.

Thanks chaps.

Wasn't going for any real narrative, David; more an offbeat, subtle, slightly unsettling mood. The title is "Facile Tales", after all. The "nothingness" of the story and the mentions of e.g. the meaning of life, which avoided any extrapolation, were meant to give the whole thing an odd, dreamy, rather stilted, and blackly humourous quality.

I'm another who liked the ambience, and the pictures, but also didn't feel satisfied by it at the end. Liked the toy train idea, for example, but overall seemed to occupy that strange place where it felt and looked good, but somehow the balance didn't quite feel right. Given your comment above, maybe you succeeded because it was unsettling and blackly humourous

Having said that, really enjoyed your style and look forward to seeing more.

Tommy, you've got something here that could develop really well. I watched this one and really loved the atmosphere created and the final line was really bloody good - I thought it was a great way to end the piece and surprisingly effective at creating a sense of character for Cedric.

What was your turnaround for animating something like this? Is it something you could do regularly because I'd be very interested to see more. Good work.

Great use of language Tommy really suits the piece

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