Quote: JohnnyD @ September 26 2008, 1:04 PM BSTThis isn't Writersroom is it?
Is it a BBC 'rule' that if a Prodco pitch something to them and they reject it, then it cannot be resubmited under any guise?I seem to remember somebody (Seefacts?) having some such grief a while ago.
The answer is not to send it back to the Writers Room. It's a complete waste of time anyway. But if you believe in your script, send it to other people. Contrary to popular belief The Writer's Room isn't representative of what the entire BBC thinks. So if you don't agree with their astute assessment, just send your script to a bbc producer you think might like it, just don't tell him / her it's been rejected.
Sometimes to be heard, you just have to roll protocol up into a little ball and shove it up the establishment's arse. The Writer's Room is one person's opinion. Nothing more. I sent a sitcom idea to the Writer's Room ages ago which they rejected out of hand. That exact same sitcom (albeit with a different title) is now a midge's knacker hair away from being commissioned by the BBC.
So ya boo, and very much sucks to you, Writer's Room.
That wasn't meant to sound boasty - just to illustrate that the universe doesn't begin and end with the Writer's Room. And just to correct myself even further, the Writer's Room isn't a COMPLETE waste of time, in fact it can be helpful if you get good, constructive feedback, but just remember it's only one person's opinion and in no way representative of the entire tv world.