Jocky Scot McDonald, a Welshman who lives in Dublin has died. Jocky led an active life as he was alive when he was living. He worked as a grocer but ahead of his time environmentally, he then found employment as a greengrocer.
Jocky worked tyrelessly for the community, trying to turn youths away from gangs and violence. He often walked the streets with a wheelbarrow collecting weapons and knives which he gave to Amnesty. The wheelbarrow had no tyre so he used a pumpkin instead.
Jocky's favourite pastime was playing hide and Sikh with his Indian neighbour. A fine sportsman, was his Indian neighbour. Jocky's downfall however was his inability to play musical instruments thus rendering attempts at the Indian Rope Trick as futile.
Jocky was married to his wife. She had three children, he didn't have any. Their children are currently grown up. His funeral was well organised with his coffin being placed inside a hearse, mourners then proceeded to walk slowly behind it.
Jocky was buried in a grave which was filled with good quality screened topsoil. As was his wish, his grave is to be used as a small allotment.