British Comedy Guide

The Impersonation: Version One

Looking at a series of three shortish skits based on a basic premise. Here's the first...

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DOUG is standing by a tree, eating a sandwich. RUFUS and ALICE approach him.


Hey, Rufus. What's up?

Not much. This is Alice, a friend; Alice, Doug.

DOUG & ALICE (to each other):

Actually, mate, you should see Alice's impersonations. She – is – brilliant!

DOUG (glances at ALICE):
Oh, really?

ALICE (blushing):
No, I'm not.

RUFUS (grinning at ALICE):
False modesty! Go on, do your Joan of Arc.

ALICE rolls her eyes, awkward.

RUFUS (cont.):
Go on!

ALICE (breezily):
Alright, alright.

RUFUS and DOUG suddenly find themselves standing in a medieval town centre. ALICE, extensively made-up to look like Joan of Arc, is bound to a stake, kindling at her feet. She wears a quintessential Hundred Years War expression. A GUARD hurls a flaming torch onto the kindling and it goes up. Firelight flickers across the faces of RUFUS and DOUG as ALICE is martyred. Within moments, RUFUS and DOUG are left staring at a pile of ash on the ground.

DOUG (nods approvingly):
Pretty convincing.


I really enjoyed that, Tommy. You've come a long way already from the last sketch of yours I read.

Aw shucks. I know the last one was a pisscube... have you managed to glance over the old *heh heh* yet?

It's well written as in it's not over written but it still reads "clumpy", not sure what I mean by that, it could just be me having a weird reading day... anyway, good sketch and kudos for the word "sandwich".

Yeah, it's good. Doesn't need the introductions at the beginning -- just go straight into it.


I'm with Swertyd, never do introductions unless its key to the joke, always cut in after the presumed intros. People are very good at creating the subcontext and backstory to an excerpt.

Very good. And nice twist.

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