British Comedy Guide

Bin swopping.



Nancy this is a bit embarassing.


Shoot from the hip micro-chip man.


Oky doky. Nancy you're a right wing lunatic, as mayor you tried to ban books. Your head of the Alaskan separist organisation, kinda like Al Quaeda. Nancy you've only left the country to go to Kuwait once...


Ok John I'm rumbled. I'm not Nancy, I'm Osama Bin Laden I had a sex change and swopped places with Nancy in Kuwait. When you're elected I yell boo at you, you have a heart attack. And Allah's your deliverer I'm president of the US.


This is terrible.


That you chose a terrorist mad man as your running mate?


No worse, I fancy you rotten. Does this make me gay?

I like the pay-off line, as having gay tenancies would probably be McCains worst nightmare.

Why's she called Nancy?

But I like it. I could instantly imagine McCains lines to be spoken in his funny voice from Colbert's Green Screen Challenge video.

You confuse me with your titles. I thought this was about a story in the news today about a shortage of wheelie bins due to Germany. Then when I see the word Palin in earlier sketches I think of Michael.

The sketch itself was quite good by the way.

Fink I have no bloody idea what so ever.

I did this one before rushing off to a meeting, my dyslexia makes me do odd things.

Nice build-up but was expecting a better punchline.

(btw punctuation makes it stutter a bit, so you're losing something there. I know I've said it before so I won't go on; just be careful as my 'comedy momentum' kind of had to double-take to 'get' it properly)


I think this is your best Palin sketch so far. It's actually kind of... it MIGHT happen!

Quote: Eggie @ September 4 2008, 2:41 PM BST

It's actually kind of... it MIGHT happen!

You're right, Eggie. Religious fanatic, likes to live away from the metropolis, more hair than the average male... I'd suggest there is a greater-than-80% chance that Sarah Palin is Osama bin Laden.

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