<Edited version>
CARL is sitting on his chair eating a banana and surfing the web. SEB enters, walks up behind CARL and taps him on the left shoulder, before stepping to the right. CARL looks over his left shoulder, glimpses SEB grinning behind him, and turns right to get a proper view.
CARL:Hello Seb.
SEBgrinning) Carl. Alright?
CARL:… Yup.
SEBsits at the desk beside CARL) I’ve, er – I’ve got something of interest to tell you.
SEB:Wha – because it’s interesting.
CARLh yeah. Go on.
SEBid you hear about the seagull that was taken to court after it shat on a chap’s camera? Apparently, they found the gull liable!
SEB:They found the “gull – liable”.
SEBpoints at CARL, touches nose, grinning) Aaah!
SEB:You believed me.
SEB:Well, if you believe me, it proves you’re “gull – liable”.
CARL:Are you impeded mentally?
SEB:No! I mean, no; it’s my joke. “Gull – liable”? It’s like “gullible”. See? So if you believe me, you’re bloody – bloody gullible!
SEB grins.
CARL:A joke?
SEB:Yeah. It’s my humour. I mean, it’s not great –
CARLnods) It’s awful.
SEBHurt) Alright!
CARL:I mean no offence, Seb, but your joke is to humour what anti-matter is to matter. It’s anti-humour. Do you understand?
SEB:Well –
CARL:In fact, when you told me that was a joke, my heart melted into vomit and drowned my soul. That’s how disappointing it was.
SEBh, like you can do better.
CARL:I can.
SEB:You talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?
CARL:I don’t need to “walk the walk”; it’s verbal humour, so talking will suffice, my friend.
A beat.
SEB:… Right then. Let’s hear it, big man.
CARL:Fine. (Clears throat) Would you say yes to success?
CARL:Hi. (Points at fly) I’m Cess.
A beat.
SEB:What are you doing?
CARL:That’s a quality joke.
SEB:It’s a fellatio-based pun, and it’s not even yours.
SEB:My joke’s original. You just repeated your joke like a humorous parrot. I invented mine like – a humorous Edison.
CARL:Ah, but who gets more laughs?
SEB:That’s beside the point.
CARL:I think you’ll find that’s very much the point of a joke.
A beat. SEB grimaces.
SEB:Fine. I’ve got another original. Try to beat this.
CARL:Hit me.
SEB:What did the New Zealander say to the samurai?
CARL:Go on.
SEB:“Do you Kerry Katona?”
SEB:You know, the accent? We say “carry katana”; they say “Kerry Katona”. You see…?
CARL stares at SEB, before pushing the half-eaten banana into SEB’s eye. FIN.