British Comedy Guide

The Humbleby's

The start of a radio sitcom. It's a 'all creatures great and small/Archers' tone about a vet (joanne is his wife). My dad just told me about 'It shouldn't happen to a vet' from the 70s (which i didn't know existed), which follows this exact premise.

Ah well!


The Humbleby's
Episode 1: The Unfortunate Cow Incident



CROFT: Good morning, Mr Humbleby.

HUMBLEBY: Mornin' Jeff. I know it's short notice and all, but it is rather urgent.

CROFT: What seems to be the problem?

HUMBLEBY: My wedding ring's got lost somewhere up Bessie's arse.

CROFT: Ah, right. That is quite a predicament. Ok, take me to Bessie and I'll rummage around in there and try to find it.


CROFT: There's a good girl. (BEAT) How come you had your hand in there?

HUMBLEBY: I was helping her through labour.

CROFT: Are you sure?

HUMBLEBY: Well I wasn't bobbing for apples, was I!

CROFT: It's just...there doesn't seem to be any signs of a pregnancy.

HUMBLEBY: What are you implying, croft – that I'm some kind of pervert?

CROFT: Hey, I just do my job and go home. No questions asked.

HUMBLEBY: Because there are no questions that need asking.


HUMBLEBY: Right. Good.


JOANNE:What were you up to last night?

CROFT:Humbleby called me out to – would you believe – remove his wedding ring from a cow's backside.

JOANNE:He's such an odd fellow.

CROFT:Yeah, I just wish he'd be more careful. We had to put Bessie down in the end.

TOMMY:Put her down where, daddy?

CROFT:You see, son, when daddy ‘puts down' an animal, he gently sends it off to heaven.

TOMMY:Do all animals go to heaven?

CROFT:Yes, of course they do. Well, except for that monkey at Knowsley Safari Park who half-inched my wing-mirror.

TOMMY:Where did he go?

CROFT:(matter of factly) He's currently rotting in hell.

TOMMY:Will I go to heaven one day?

CROFT:Only if you brush your teeth and get ready for school. Come on, chop-chop.


JOANNE:Jeffery! Can you not blackmail our child, please?


MR SIMMONDS: Mornin' veterinary.

CROFT:Morning Mr Simmonds.

SIMMONDS: I heard you were round Humbleby's late last night.

CROFT:Word certainly travels fast in this town.

SIMMONDS: Rumour has it he's buggering his cows.

CROFT:Well, I wouldn't know anything about that.


Ah, the old 'tumbleweed' treatment!

To be honest, i think once i'd said 'bessie has a ring stuck up her arse' on the first page, the only way was down from there.

Well, I liked it. It had me laughing out loud. Nicely written (for me). And for me once you'd said 'bessie has a ring stuck up her arse' on the first page, the only way was up from there.

Nicely done. :)

Thanks! Have you got any ideas where i could take it from this point? I was thinking of having Humbleby's wife inviting the crofts round for a meal to thank them for the help, then Humbleby losing his temper and saying something like: 'You killed the only thing i've ever loved!'

There's nothing like a good bit of rural bestiality.

Yes, the bestiality angle is worth exploring further undoubtedly. The characters and style reminds me a lot of something I'm writing myself. Not that I'm writing about a vet or bestiality but the style is definitely similar. So I could easily make suggestions. But I find it goes where it goes. For example, I can see Humbleby possibly being part of a small clandestine group of like minded others involved in ritualistic cow 'roasting'... this could then be infiltrated by an outsider, and so it goes on..

:) good luck wiv it!

As of scene 2 it's ace the interaction with the son is very funny.

Scene 1 is competent but lacks origunality.

I'd go with a completely inappropriate animal to stick your hand up,

myabe it's a salmon farm, or an itinerant Rumanian lettuce picker?

Otherwise good stuff and funny.

I'd also have a line about the vet having the monkey killed.

Haha. I like the idea of it being a salmon farm, or something like that. Yeah, Croft could have had the monkey killed. I could put something in there about '..with great power, comes great responsibility.' A nice Spiderman quote.

I'd like to see what you've written, Frankie.

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