British Comedy Guide

Mafia quickie Page 2

It's fab a nice little Cracker Jack style sketch.

You got taste Sootyj ,you got taste. You and that hoodlum Frankie Rage.

What confused me was there's a knock at the door, then it cuts to Salvatore in the room. I just don't follow - who knocked? Salvatore, then they open the door and he's standing there doing stand up?

Having ignored that bit, I like the imagery of going from "stand-up guy" to the visual.

Also, I wan't aware of the Mafia meaning of the term "stand up guy" - maybe could make it a little clearer in the sketch for ignorant sorts like myself e.g.

DON 3: He won't rat - he's a stand up guy just like his old man.

stand up guy is not mafia talk it's just an american expression, meaning "a good guy", "honourable guy" whatever.

You're probably right but I've never heard the expression in anything other than mafia movies.

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