British Comedy Guide

Pitching a show

Hey. This came to me after watching Big Brother tonight. It's a psycho pitching a show idea to a tv executive and his assistant.



EXEC:(FADE IN) and he just replied: ‘But her fake driving licence said she was 19!' What a bloody rotter – god love him (LAUGHS) Anyway, we're meeting him for a piss-up on Saturday, so clear your schedule.


JANICE:(OFF) We have a Mr. Davison to meet you.

EXEC:Ok Janice, send him in.

ASSISTANT: Who's this?

EXEC:Just another guy who's got the ‘next big thing'. We'll make it quick and head off for lunch.


ASSISTANT: Hello Mr Davison. I'm Mr Simmons, but you can call me Daniel. And this is Mr Jones.

EXEC:Mr Jones will be fine.


EXEC:Wow. Have you been slapping fish? I'm just joshing with you. That was a nice, firm, dry hand-shake.


EXEC:Janice, can we get a box of baby-wipes in here, stat.

ASSISTANT: I'm sorry, what was your name?

LEEROY:My name is Leeroy.

EXEC:That's strange. You don't see many whites called Leeroy.

LEEROY:What are you trying to say?

EXEC:I'm not saying it's a bad thing! You're kind of like a pioneer of race/name relations. Anyway, what is this idea you've got.

LEEROY:Some people have to die.

EXEC:(PAUSE) Right, ok. And what is the title?

LEEROY:Some people have to die.

EXEC:I see. It's concise, I'll give you that.

ASSISTANT: But what is the premise?

LEEROY:It's like Big Brother – but with killings.

EXEC:Keep talking....

LEEROY:Instead of saying ‘Ron, you've been evicted', they would say ‘Ron, you have been chosen to die', and he gets shot in the face.

EXEC:I do like the catchphrase. Catchphrases are big at the moment.

ASSISTANT: I can see us struggling to get the whole ‘killing of people' aspect through the health and safety checklist.

EXEC:Why? Someone died on a Noel Edmonds show 20 years ago, and they got away with it.

ASSISTANT: Yes, but I don't think it was actually a part of the show's weekly format.

EXEC:Hey, they broke down the barrier – we're just following them through the gap. We'll just get the contestants to sign a consent form, which says something like: ‘oh, and you might die' small print.

ASSISTANT: So, Leeroy, who would take part in this show?

LEEROY:Those dirty communist pigs.

EXEC:(PAUSE) Ok. Or, even better, two families could compete against each other. I'm getting a vibe about this now. It could be like Family Fortunes.

LEEROY:But with killings.

EXEC:Exactly! They keep playing until only one family member remains. (BEAT) And they win a family holiday to Antigua. How deliciously devilish.

ASSISTANT: Tell us a bit more about yourself, Leeroy.

EXEC:Yeah, I noticed on your C.V there is a gap in your work history from 1993-2002.


That's how far i've got. Any potential there? (hope you all got past the hack joke at the start)

Quote: Morrace @ August 27 2008, 3:30 AM BST

Delicious!! Love it!

About 10% I had doubts about. May I PM you with an edit - I won't change too much. I say this 'cos of below:

Safe comedy don't you know.....

Yeah, i'm always up for a good edit! Send them my way. Thanks, glad you liked 90% of it

btw, I'm assuming you're a night-owl like myself?

Yep. Sad innit? Off to my coffin now.

(GRAMS. Theme tune 'Twilight Zone')

I hate the dirty looks the milkman gives me at 4am through the window. Judge not lest ye be judged!

It's not bad, but Big Brother where people get killed is not an original idea.

Also it seems very long for a simple idea.

I think if you broke it up into insreasingly awful suggestions it might be pacier,

e.g. wife swop with rapists, I'm a paedophile get me out of here, dog brothel.

Quote: Griff @ August 27 2008, 10:17 AM BST

Sooty can we take it as read that your suggested improvement for all sketches is the addition of rape, paedophilia and bestiality? It would save you an awful lot of typing.

Laughing out loud

Quote: Griff @ August 27 2008, 10:17 AM BST

Sooty can we take it as read that your suggested improvement for all sketches is the addition of rape, paedophilia and bestiality? It would save you an awful lot of typing.

Add incest and defecation to that list and you've got the.... Aristcrats!


Whistling nnocently

Quote: Griff @ August 27 2008, 10:17 AM BST

Sooty can we take it as read that your suggested improvement for all sketches is the addition of rape, paedophilia and bestiality? It would save you an awful lot of typing.

Hardly that's a little unfair.

But if you're going for dark why go for grey?

One should be commited to one's art, not wimp out or mean spiritedly pick on the Tomorrow People.

And I rarely suggest adding that kind of detail, only when it's funny (in my view admittedly).

A man biting a dog is news but a dog buggering a man is a sootyj ski...

Hang on no, I'm not going to join in.


Quote: Griff @ August 27 2008, 3:06 PM BST

There's nothing mean-spirited about picking on the Tomorrow People. OK maybe there is.

No good at sex - The Tomorrow People never come.

Originality is so last year. My next sketch is about a man who lands on a planet dominated by different species of animals, which is entitled: 'Plant of the Apes - and other animals which aren't necessarily apes'

And yes, not to cause a spoiler, but there is an element of bestiality in there to keep the fan boys happy.

Any legs there?

Quote: Morrace @ August 27 2008, 3:15 PM BST

No good at sex - The Tomorrow People never come.

Now that's genius, use it somewhere. If you built a sketch around that it'd work.

Quote: Griff @ August 27 2008, 3:06 PM BST

There's nothing mean-spirited about picking on the Tomorrow People. OK maybe there is.

I'm not convinced that "being committed to one's art" means using the same few taboo/shock references over and over, even less that you should be persuading other writers to do likewise.

Ye Gods am I the child catcher of BSG? Maybe even the Gary Glitter?

Grooming poor innocent writers who only wanted to make Archer's spoofs.

Quote: Morrace @ August 27 2008, 3:15 PM BST

No good at sex - The Tomorrow People never come.

Quote: sootyj @ August 27 2008, 3:55 PM BST

Now that's genius, use it somewhere. If you built a sketch around that it'd work.

Thanks, Sooty. You do it. I'd be interested in how it turns out
I'm not familiar with that series (I live in the present). :)

I live in what the first nation peoples of Australia would call Dream Time.

I dream my world into existence every day.

Why that world is as a 3rd social worker and 2nd rate teller of topical nob gags I know not.

Quote: Griff @ August 27 2008, 4:11 PM BST

Very tempting to reply "Nah, Gary Glitter was good once" but that would just be mean... ;)

If it means you confessing to be a closet Glitter fan, then be my guest.

Quote: sootyj @ August 27 2008, 5:14 PM BST

3rd social worker and 2nd rate teller of topical nob gags

Is that on your CV, Sooty?

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