British Comedy Guide

Milestone posts Page 86


I lived with a guy who proudly displayed his porn in the front room on the coffee table in a sort of fan display.

I think it was to freak us all out.

It worked.

Quote: JuliaC @ September 13 2009, 2:27 PM BST

You'd be surprised...

It's for research purposes. :D

Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ September 13 2009, 2:30 PM BST

I lived with a guy who proudly displayed his porn in the front room on the coffee table in a sort of fan display.

Laughing out loud

Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ September 13 2009, 1:59 PM BST

A vibrator is all about a quick fix. Buzz, bang, new batteries. It does the job but it doesn't at all replace a man because there are many things a man can do that they haven't invented anything for. Women like reaching the destination but they also like to see the sights on the way. Does that explain it?

Well, to an extent. But it is still fulfilling a role that a man can do, replacing much - or at least some - of his use. Why does *hypothetical woman* feel that a bit of plastic does a better job of a 'quick fix' than her *hypothetical partner*? There might be things that a toy can't do, but there is a hell of a lot they can, I'm sure. Redundancy through mechanisation of factory production lines is one thing, but...

(Obviously, when I talk about 'can' do something, I'm referring to physical ability. If he just doesn't manage to do something then they should work on it, she should tell him, whatever. As you noted earlier.)

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ September 13 2009, 2:04 PM BST

Soon as they make a vibrator that can change a car tyre, kill a spider and make a cup of tea, we're out of a job lads.

We might have to throw our shoes into the dildo making machines.


Er yeah, I love tea, and my car always needs a new tyre...


For all the ladies who'd like to save the environment while buzzing themselves into ecstasy:

Don't tell Ellie.

Don't we already have an eco-friendly dildo? Al Gore.

Good night folks and drive safely.

Quote: DaButt @ September 13 2009, 7:48 PM BST


Fun things aren't ameant to be good for the environment!

55,000 posts.

I've wasted my life.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, this site is more productive than a 'Simpsons and Elisha Cuthbert fan site :)


Quote: Aaron @ September 15 2009, 3:00 PM BST

55,000 posts.

I've wasted my life.

Fear not. Every fool finds bigger fools to admire him. And the wasting doesn't start for another 20 years.

Quote: Aaron @ September 15 2009, 3:00 PM BST

55,000 posts.

I've wasted my life.

All the Fives, waste your lives, Fifty Five.


Congrats Aaron!

Quote: Aaron @ September 15 2009, 3:00 PM BST

55,000 posts.

I've wasted my life.

But you're like 12. If you plan on moderating a comedy forum for the rest of your days, then yeah, you've wasted your life. ;)

What a downer this celebration is turning out to be -

\O/\OO/\O/ Wooooh!!!! 55 thousand posts!!! Way to go Aaron!!! You are the dude at Forum Moderation!!!! Yeeeehaaaah!!!!

We <3 The Ronettes


Congrats Aaron.

On the post thing and the rant on vibrators.

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