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A funny old business

It stinks don't spare it.

Funny Old Thing

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Greetings and welcome to the course, comedy it's a funny old thing. By the end of the next 6 weeks will you be "On the Buses," or on the bus home.

Let's introduce ourselves, my name is Pete, and you are ?


My name is Pigeon.


My name is Frank, Frank Lee Speaking, Frank by name frank by nature


I am Marko


I am Thomas


I'm Agnes, were all going to have a jolly good laugh.


Great, and what on earth is that there ?


Camera pans to reveal TPC is dressed as a Dalek, he speaks through a Dalek voice changer.


I am a prop comic, I


Moving on, there's always the one, why are we all here?
Ok in at the deep end 60 second stand up a piece?

In my country Rumania, comedy was banned, only comic allowed was Pottock the clown, every one knew he was minister for state security in red nose, typical joke, what do you call a family with radio that picks up BBC world service, tell Pottock and get a free balloon


Thanks Marko


then my father was caught listening to illegal knock knock joke, he was sent to detention, with out hearing punch line, he came out of detention, and all he could whisper was, who's there, who's


Erm thanks Marko, Thomas


Eventually I went to black market, and bought the punch line, I go home and saw my father, he says who's there, I say p, he says p-who, I say that is disgusting, he laughed once, and then he died.


Erm right, Thomas


I'm an accountant, and people at work think I'm hilarious


That's nice


My boss said you're a joke, and so's your work.

That's nice

Thomas (breaking up)

My wife says I make her laugh, so did my best friend


Erm that's also nice


I walked in on them in bed together

(Thomas breaks down in tears)

Erm great, pigeon


Yes, what do you want me to say?


Tell us a joke

(Thomas walks out never to be seen again)

I don't believe in jokes it's language to hurt others, mockery, a verbal fist, I'm believe in co-operative story telling …

Sigh; well tell us about your week


Ok it's not very funny; I‘m a social worker
I was shocked to find out some of my clients, have recently lost visits, and phone calls from social workers, and had all their benefits cut off,

Families, friends abandoned them…eventually evicted from their homes why? Why because they were dead


Sound of laughing


What are you laughing at, it's not funny, would you like it if you suddenly woke up 6 feet under ground.

More laughter


Me next,

Just the other day I was getting my son Den a birthday present, I haven't seen him in two years since the missus left,

And the bird at Curries, says

" that'll be £100 for a GBA,"
"£100 I says, I've got a game boy in my pants, and it's free…"
"Yes sir she says, but your's only has a battery life of 2 minutes, it's only got 1 game, adventures in the land of readers wives, and unlike the Wifi equipped GBA, yours is strictly one player only, "


Ok in the next few weeks, we'll be covering why Jim Davidson humour, doesn't work.


That's political correctness gone mad, you're just spitting on the grave of Bernard Manning hero of the working man


The white male working man.


Oh he was marvellous, and so delightfully naughty


Naughty, naughty, the man was a fascist thug, he was a verbal rapist.


Wasn't he a bit to fat for the real thing?


Oh now picking on the gastric ally challenged, you bully.


Oh get a sense of humour, my Eddie likes him, and he's a magistrate, so he must be funny


Ok that's enough of that; we don't usually get a good argument till the third week, when we cover Benny Hill hero, or sex pest…. Coffee break every one, back in 10, the canteens closed but the machine still works.

(Every one leaves, eventually Agnes, and Frank return with coffees)


You see comedy, it's my way of rebelling against the
Right on ways where I work, I mean I'm like Richard Little John, hero of the common man, what got you into it?

Well my Eddie, was acting strange, disappearing off at strange hours, hiding things, Jocasata, and Alex had left for university, and that's when marriages sort of weaken, eyes wander.

(Frank holds her hand)


Was he having an affair?

(Agnes laughs)


No he was…he was watching comedy videos, Bernard Manning, Roy Chubby Brown, he actually cried…he said after spending all day judging the little toe rags, he wanted to know why they were always so happy. Once he watched some of the videos, he was hooked; I think he'd have been less ashamed if it was an affair, I said I didn't mind. That's why I'm here I'm going to do a blue revue for his 50th birthday, won't that be a pip.

50, gosh you must be almost half his age.


It's very sweet of you to say that, I'm sorry to hear about your marriage.


Oh Erm that, I'm still Erm in a relationship…it's a comedy thing, persona like



Yeh you see, well all the greats Dawson, Manning, half their act was racist, the other half is all my wife this, my mother in law that, I'm in a very happy stable relationship, Frank's not my real name it's Xander, my parents were art teachers, I suppose this is my rebellion.


Why Frank?


Frank Lee Speaking is my stage name, you can always do stuff like to be frank, or there's nothing wrong with me I'm perfectly Frank. My life partner suggested it.


Life partner?

(Pigeon walks in)


No fair trade, what kind of ethical policy does Klix have, well my 50p is going towards stamp, for a stern letter of complaint to their managing director, and the minister for education.

(Agnes and Frank are now laughing; Agnes has her arm around Frank)


What's so funny? This is why I hate jokes; it's not called a punch line for nothing.

(TPC enters next he is still dressed as a Dalek, he has a plastic cup attached to the plunger)


Extend straw extend straw.
(A straw extends from his head piece and after several unsuccessful attempts knocks the cup to the floor spilling its contents).

Are we all here, right every one done their bit, Agnes; I have a feeling this is gong to raise the level a little.


Our Polish plumber is very efficient, he's been laying pipe in my back yard all week, and he's a gardener, he said he's take good care of my bush.
He has something long, and it's for me to get my mouth round…his surname

(Every one except Pigeon laughs politely, TPC's is an electronic "Dalek laugh")


Amusinate amusinate


Every one finished great; let's talk about how we did.


Alert, alert, I have not done my bit,


Fine keep it short

(TPC proceeds to sing a karaoke, version of Mr Boombastic, through his Dalek voice changer, the class is silent, the word Boombastic is substituted for Dalek. .Exterminate, there is a very bad karaoke backing track).
(Pete reaches behind TPC, and flicks a switch turning off the backing track).


Alert, karaoke disengaged, you will be exterminated


You see as we will see later in the course, stand up is about the audience, laughing because they like you. They love you, little kids asking good old, Uncle Pete the red coat for an autograph, Pete you're so funny you must be on television…….I used to be, sorry where was I how do you all feel that went?


Well I thought I was hilarious, but Pigeon, I'd give my right nut, to be as funny as you.


It wasn't meant to be funny; this must be how Joan of Arc felt,


Except no one's setting fire to you.


And you're not French, I always thought Joan of Arc was a great stand up.


Why would you think that?


She caught fire in front of an audience.


She had a burning ambition, amusinate amusinate.


Now stop being cruel, Joan of Arc had a big stake in women's rights….the one they burned her on.


Stop this at once, comedy isn't about bullying, it isn't about cruelty, it's about sharing fun, and laughter, sometimes it's about joking about minorities, or people with tragic illness's, but you're never laughing at them, you're laughing…you're laughing around them, and in their general vicinity they're part of the joke, because they are the joke…sort of…….it's not funny to be fired as a Butlin's redcoat, because parents think it's suspicious you're still doing it when your 40, that's bullying I know all about being bullied.


Mr Pete, this was a very fine lesson, I have learnt much, but I have one question unanswered, may I ask?


Sure Marko.


My dog has no nose how does it smell?

Whole class



No he smell fine I wash him every day, I adopt him from Chernobyl region where there was terrible accident, he was born with no nose, in fact no head at all, only small hole for breathing at back next to poop hole, he has suffered but I think he loves me, he always wags both of his tails when he see's me, so why is this funny?


Erm how does he see you?


That is quite a mystery


Oi its 21.30, drinking times wasting…


Ok see you all next week, for sitcoms from "I love Lucy," to "I hate you Butler,"

The idea of comedy commenting on comedy either goes too far or not far enough, right now it seems too self-consious to be a pure character piece but the strange ideas aren't pushed into strange enough places too feel comfortable.

Some great moments though, the Mr Bombastic idea was perfect, so penetratingly lame it's actually poignant. And I love the premise, it's kind of thing that makes you envious and homicidal for not coming up with it yourself.

You can hear this sorry farago performed as a podcast.

It's a bunch of goodish jokes nailed together with some lousy ones.

You have it as a podcast? Where? Would be nice to hear how it works.

I did find it a bit fragmented. Though was out at theatre tonight so brain's a bit frazzled and concentration levels were a bit poor. Would help if it was formatted a little clearer, esp. having names in capitals, as I sometimes missed when someone new was talking.

I liked your characterisation, it was good having a character who is unintentionally funny, Marko the matter-of-fact guy not understanding how British humour works and the dalek. - Liked the visual bit with the straw and spilled drink.

Basically individual parts made me laugh, and I DID laugh frequently.

Will try again tomorrow when my brain works.

The link is buried somewhere in my interview.

I've written better stuff in critique if you fancy a trawl.

Interview? Is that in another post?

Will be sure to check out some of your other material at some point.

Just listened to the podcast - really worked as a play, characters were beautifully presented, and provided a thought-provoking commentary on various aspects of comedy and varying opinions of it.

Interesting to see how the script had been changed and how it actually worked from paper to performance - I tend to think of comedy in visual terms so was nice to observe how a purely aural medium can portray the scene.

Thanks, Starpigs and a few other few length scripts in critique which I reckon were better.

Ok, ok, will check it out :)

Just searched for it - only found a couple of scenes so hard to work out what's going on.

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