A young man (BF) is sitting politely on the sofa with his girlfriend (GF) at her Nan's house. Her Nan's very old and sitting in her armchair falling in and out of sleep
Girlfriends phone rings...
GF: (on the phone) "Hello, O-Okay, Sure. Okay I'll pop down right away" (puts phone down)
"I'll be back in about 20 min, Granddad's caught at the shops"
BF: "Okay"
GF puts coat on and leaves
BF is flicking though channels with remote control
10 minutes later... his mobile rings
BF: "Hello? Hi babe everything okay?" (Looks at Nan asleep, & listens to GF's instructions) "What! Pour it out, babe can't I just wait till you come back?? I know I know, look I'm not saying its ‘too much hard work for me' we've been through this Okay, Okay I understand. I will do it" (puts phone down)
He has to empty Nan's catheter!!!
He immediately paces around, looks puzzled, thinks, puts on mature face, paces around more, looks further puzzled, thinks,
"I've changed babies nappies before this is no different!" (he says to himself)
Puts on straight face goes to the kitchen gets a plastic bowl comes out, takes deep breath, paces around, walks over to Nan, tries to lift up her skirt a bit can't find it, looks on other leg, there's allot of awkward fumbling with finally her dress up over her head and him on his knees her many layers of clothing
After a few minutes of this, keys sound in door
GF & Granddad walk in
GF: "What the HELL???!!" (Granddad sees what's going Gasps & goes for him)
BFstressed) "I can't do it babe, I just can't do it?"
GF: "Can't Do WHAT? I Said ‘Cafetière' pour out the ‘Cafetière'.
What are you doing to my Nanna ?"