A piss take of Dear Dierdre in The Sun.
A piss take of Dear Dierdre in The Sun.
Could you get something in there about L'Oreal and Beyonce give it a topical slant.
Nice idea, Benks!
And very funny piece Norm!
Love the set up at the start of the letter, and it's all good.
Top stuff, and a very good/brave straight intro.
Match the style of these things well, and it's funny.
2 thoughts.
Drop the anal gag, or work it into the article.
You've got a great opportunity for a punchline along the lines of
"Look how long.....has been together and she......."
As a twist it'll have a lot of oomph.
But good stuff.
Brilliant! Love the way the lid suddenly comes off.
Thanks for the advice everyone. As for the Anal gag, yes I do tend to over do it but I just love putting in random words for sexual acts..i.e He took her up the Dartford Tunnel / She shaved her Michelle Roberts and her marital problems disappeared....Just tickles my fancy that's all.
Oh it's good but you could make it more jokesome.
He took me to Pizza hut, the Holiday Inn, then up the Gordon Brown.
Also a line on her wishing he'd stuck to that, or she wouldn't have got pregnant.