Picks up baton and passes it to Julia again...
Just to make it interesting, the baton game finishes at 6pm, with the gold medal being awarded to the 2nd from last person to be left holding it at this time. Silver, third from last, bronze, fourth.
Picks up baton and passes it to Julia again...
Just to make it interesting, the baton game finishes at 6pm, with the gold medal being awarded to the 2nd from last person to be left holding it at this time. Silver, third from last, bronze, fourth.
I hope you wiped it first.
No, but I did give her my pink man stick instead in the hope she won't notice.
Quote: Simon Stratton @ August 8 2008, 3:22 PM BSTPicks up baton and passes it to Julia again...
Bugger! Stupid work - again!!
Quote: Graham Bandage @ August 8 2008, 3:41 PM BSTJULIAC:
Thanks.RUNS OFF.
I'll get you, Bandage!!
I reckon that you got it just in time, Julia.
In that case:
*chucks baton to Aaron*!
*passes baton back to JuliaC*
Hey - rule infringement! Referee!!
Quote: Simon Stratton @ August 8 2008, 8:36 AM BSTcan't nominate the person who just nominated you.
We're useless. Thank god we're nowhere near the Olympics. We might kill people, accidentally. With sporting equipment. Or powder puffs.
Hooray for being useless!
C'mon - only 40 mins left!
I guess I'm still in as Julia did pass it on - *throws it to zooo* catch!
Alright, well I'll take it again. And I pass it to Simon.
Or not.
Ha ha - we really are useless Ok - passes it to zooo.