Thursday 7th August 2008 6:14pm
31,448 posts
Quote: Griff @ August 7 2008, 3:11 PM BST
Hey I've paid my Shitty Radio One DJ Smashy And Nicey dues. You're talking to someone who once interviewed Peter Powell for the Sheffield University magazine.
And I was a devoted Radio One listener in my youth. I even went to a Radio One Roadshow (most boring day I'd ever had, and my teenage years had a lot of boring days in them). The highlight of my school day was listening to Oooh Gary Davies's Bit In The Middle at lunch break while smoking menthol cigarettes in the shopping centre etc. inbetween bouts of petty shoplifting and swapping Marvel comics.
(NB I am proud to note that the shopping centre I used to bunk off to eventually became the location for Rose Tyler's council estate on Doctor Who.)
But Steve Wright has always seemed slightly creepy to me. And nowadays his Radio Two show is the most terrible thing ever broadcast. Every single second makes you want to swerve your car into an oncoming lorry just to end it all before Wrighty makes another mind-crushingly banal observation followed up by a deafening jingle to blot out the tumbleweed silence, as not even his brain-dead studio posse can summon up a laugh.
I don't listen to him anymore, but he's not that bad. Somebody like Chris Evans is worse.