British Comedy Guide

BSG Meetup Page 122

Quote: Graham Bandage @ September 7 2008, 1:36 AM BST

I dunno. Apparently Jessie's a hottie. There was speculation that you'd hired her.

She is. And I hadn't! Just batting way above my average.

Way, waaaaay above.

I was rather shocked that Mark instantly knew who I was.

He has all of our faces printed on those memory cards, don't you know? Flips through them daily, testing himelf!

I heard that you and him play 'BSG Who's Who?'

Quote: PhQnix @ September 6 2008, 10:35 PM BST

I knew that my silence would perturb you.:P

Heh! No. It was nothing you did! Don't worry!

Quote: Winterlight @ September 7 2008, 2:10 AM BST

I heard that you and him play 'BSG Who's Who?'

That would be a great game. :)

Oh, and Seefacts really doesn't look like the Yorkshire Ripper after all! Who'da thunk it?

Quote: Graham Bandage @ September 7 2008, 1:25 AM BST

Well there's a first.

Well, I got it.

Quote: Aaron @ September 7 2008, 2:13 AM BST

That would be a great game. :)

Oh, and Seefacts really doesn't look like the Yorkshire Ripper after all! Who'da thunk it?

No, seefacts looks more like a CD ripper.

I have to say that I was more than pleasantly surprised by the very warm welcome I received.

Aaron was so polite and agreeable I assumed he was pissed, but it seems he doesn't drink. Shame on frostyboy for wanting to punch him.

Unfortunately Ellie, Zoo and winterlight had left before I arrived.

Quote: dannyjb1 @ September 7 2008, 12:40 AM BST

And I'm back too.... was a good night I can confirm that

Laura, Julia_C, Robyn, Finch, Ellie are indeed all hotties :)

Good to meet people and finally put faces to names... sorry for people I didn't get a chance to speak to.

Here's to more and Sootyj.. you've written better :)

And a big thanks to Aaron for organising.

You haven't, psyche!

Jolly evening, and every one looked like I thought they would.

Any one up for a second one tomorrow night at News Revue?

And did every one make it home ok? I'm sure I saw one much loved member trying to swim home.

And hurry up with the photos you all missed a treat.

Aaron in his "I heart Lenin" T shirt

Bussell in cape and top hat.

Seefacts, turning out to be 8 feet tall.

And my secret identity finally given away.


Yes I am Walker Texas Ranger.

Quote: Griff @ September 6 2008, 7:25 PM BST

*reaches for imaginary pint of overpriced London beer and bag of peanuts*

Cautiosly sips from imaginary bottle of gin smuggled into imaginary pub.

Even my pretending is cheap.

:( Booo, I wasn't there.

:) Glad you had fun and that you all came back in one piece.

Right. Write.

Quote: Nil Putters @ September 6 2008, 5:54 PM BST

He'll make a half page post later on, few of quotes and responding to posts and spelling mistakes. *scroll, scroll, scroll*

heh, heh, I misread that as spoiling mistakes, which seemed appropriate.

:D :D

Quote: catskillz @ September 7 2008, 12:40 AM BST

The thought of a load of adults meeting up, telling each other what their forum name is, is just too surreal to imagine.

Some adults went??? :P

Seriously though.. no, that was serious..


I'm glad you all met up and got off your couches. Hope to meet some of you too one day..;)

Well, I've already met Ellie and Dannyjb1 and they seem OK!

Well, Ellie's alright anyway. ;)

Laughing out loud

I missed Godot?!

It was an evening that even Aaron's wandering hands couldn't spoil.

Enjoyed meeting you all.

Peas out.

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