Sunday 3rd August 2008 2:40pm [Edited]
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
Quote: Griff @ July 31 2008, 2:18 PM BST
I'm now worrying whether I should have written "over-30's" with an apostrophe.
Quote: PhQnix @ July 31 2008, 2:24 PM BST
"30s" is Hitler's personal preference.
Then he wasn't all bad, was he? Still, the vegetarianism is pretty damning.

Quote: PhQnix @ July 31 2008, 2:33 PM BST
It's not the OED which moderates this board so angrily though.
Damn straight.
Quote: Frankie Rage @ July 31 2008, 9:15 PM BST
I am not against the Chinese as a nation by the way. I like fish and chips as much as anyone!
I'm going to assume that Chinkies run your chippy then.
Quote: DaButt @ July 31 2008, 9:17 PM BST
India is China's only partner in the billion population club.
Are those real billions, or American billions?
Quote: sootyj @ July 31 2008, 11:46 PM BST
I'm a social worker (sort of) do you mistrust my judgement on matters of life and death?
Anyone who trusts your judgement on anything should be locked up for their own safety.
Quote: ian_w @ July 31 2008, 11:52 PM BST
This is like some extreme capitalism.
Quote: ian_w @ August 1 2008, 12:02 AM BST
Then for God's sake let's do it before Aaron gets back off holiday! 
You'll be going straight to the top of my "population lessening" list. 
Quote: DaButt @ August 1 2008, 12:03 AM BST
I think people are losing touch with the importance of working hard and taking responsibility for one's actions.
That's what you get with lefty types. No sense of responsibility, relying on the state and others, etc etc etc...
Quote: roscoff @ August 1 2008, 12:16 AM BST
They have no moral guidelines or idea of consequences. They do know how to fiddle the social though.
Quote: Griff @ August 1 2008, 12:26 AM BST
Come to think of it, yes I do hate social workers.
But not comedy-writing ones!
So you hate sootyj then.
Quote: Frankie Rage @ August 1 2008, 12:34 AM BST
Griff: So if I have the kids and they starve/freeze to death on the street due to lack of benefits, that's OK is it? 
Your kids? Less ok, more ideal. 
Quote: sootyj @ August 1 2008, 1:07 AM BST
It's this dernaged Labour obsessions with endless exams, and every one going to UNI.
Why are you suddenly saying sensible things this week? 
Quote: sootyj @ August 1 2008, 1:10 AM BST
Brown has a nasty habit of producing guidelines, and plans with no money, and saying it's already there.
It isn't.
And then reannouncing it in 8 months time, adjusting the figures to account for the lastest inflation levels, and proclaiming it to be a shining example of 'New' Labour innovation and social progression.
Quote: DaButt @ July 31 2008, 5:45 PM BST
But I *am* in favor of getting rid of all the stupid people. That should give us all a little breathing room.
But then who would serve and slave to the intellectuals?
Quote: Frankie Rage @ August 1 2008, 1:47 AM BST
Once a woman is past 25 they can only get older men anyway!
Pfft. Rubbish!