We've been producing a few sketches since we found two actors with a bit of talent, who hadn't been to SlagB's masterclass in 'hamming it up 101'.
It's a return to our shorter one gag style, I think.
We've been producing a few sketches since we found two actors with a bit of talent, who hadn't been to SlagB's masterclass in 'hamming it up 101'.
It's a return to our shorter one gag style, I think.
I really must remember to check these sketches out when I get home. I can't access youtube from work.
I think SlagB was made for that part.
Ok joke. The editing/direction was a bit amateurish if I'm being honest. I think you need to find something to disguise the cheap homemade-youtubey feel.
I'm a big fan of the Slaggs and I understand how hard it must be to make sketches with no real budget, so I can see you're trying your best. So I suppose it can be overlooked.
The material like I said was ok and it's good to see you producing stuff, but I think you can do better, I've read your stuff and worked with you so I know what you are capable of.
I hate to negatively critize filmed sketches, but I think and hope you'll appreciate my honesty.
No that's fine Lee. You know me, I'm not precious.
We filmed the sketch then later realised that some footage had been wiped, so I was left with little to work with. Plus Tara can't pass herself off as the mother of a teenager (and SlagB certainly ain't going to pass as a tenager) so we had to shoot from angles that hid their faces as much as posible, including the hand-over-face shot.
We have to get a camera that can handle closeups and low light. We have to use humonguous lights 2 x 1kw bulbs to film indoors. I've found a potential camera but waiting for B's approval.
So no, your comments are fine and appreciated.
Very good nice punch, n.b. if the characterisation/acting is good.
Which it is.
Play the characters as they are it'll give the film a lovely surreal edge.
Check out Summer Hights High for an example of how it can work.
But liked it.