Monday 21st July 2008 11:24pm
51,287 posts
Quote: Marc P @ July 21 2008, 8:12 PM BST
The problem here Sooty, is you need to address the target of your satire, anyone who thinks that Gordon Brown and Tony Blair have not worked over the last ten years has obviously not looked at their faces and their hair. These guys have worked f**king hard. And frankly since a few long years back had little appreciation from the people on whose behalf, supposedly, they have been working so hard. People believe it is for their own career, legacy, rather than for the localised and greater humanity's good. Take George Bush... please, please do take him and put him in a soundproof room somewhere. But GB and TB, however misguided and arrogant, have I feel been working hard. Rather than taking the easy gag to the news of the day story Sooty, try and make a clever point in your comedy that is driven from your true polital beliefs and your political satire will mean something. And perhaps more importantly, to you, you will find it easier to write. If comedy is art - in where does the art lie? Answer that question for yourself and you will find it easier to control your craft rather than scattergunning and letting other people tell you what works and what doesn't.

Ok I accept it may be better to change the first line from work to acheived.
But otherwise my political beliefs, are my own.
I think a PM who frankly has acheived f**k all whislt in office, who then has a cheek to steal Conservative polcies on bullying the unemployed deserves all he gets.
Mark I vote for who I vote for, I campaing for who I campaign for.
But as far as satire, my only urge is to bang a sauce pan, and shout don't be so dman complacent.
To me if I did anything else it would be arrogant, and dishonest.
n.b. I object to being called scattergun, I'm a democratic anarchist e.g. I think they're all shit.