British Comedy Guide

Hello from Something Page 2

A turd by any other name is Jam and Jerusalem.

Aha, Jam and Jerusalem - another one I hadn't heard of but I looked it up. Typical that someone would jump on the Calendar Girls bandwagon (presumably) - and yet that film came out years ago!

I admit that I'm badly out of date with stuff but, even for me, there's an awful lot of "the same old thing" being churned out.

There are things I laughed at in the 1980s, and they were funny then. But now? It's like all the people who were funny then have got jobs for life in comedy. Perhaps this should be on a different thread as it's not an introduction any more. (I'm still learning how you run this place.)

I cringe at some of the stuff churned out which gets aired just because it's by a household name. Angry Add a great (or once great) cast and you can laugh all the way to the bank. But is anyone else laughing?

Welcome Something,

I hope you enjoy you stay, on the subject of Jam and Jerusalem it’s got a real hammering on here but I have my suspicions to its going to be here for sometime to come and be a big hit amongst it target audience.

When it get its act together

Speak to you soon

Hi Barry

I'm sure you're absolutely right. It's not to my taste but I know of loads of people who love that kind of stuff. I suppose I should too as I'm not "young" any more.

Maybe there's money to be made in churning out the same old stuff. I really hope not. Obviously I've nothing personal against the writers/actors but I do resent this "dead-man's-shoes" business, where you've got to wait for 20 years before you can be "successful". That's not sour grapes from me - I do other things, and on a whim decided to look at comedy - sure, I'll never make it, no worries. But. As a consumer. As someone who buys DVDs and entertainment, then I want to be entertained.

I don't want the Vicar of Dibley (or whatever it's called) - never actually seen it but it just does not appeal.

It's like food, don't serve me up yesterday's rehashed stuff. Give me something new, something fresh!

I love to laugh. Don't we all. It just seems kinda difficult sometimes.

OK, I'll get off my soap box.

Hi Something

Enjoy the forums.


Thanks, Dan :D

I posted some questions on the Writers' Board to see what the others think about the issues...

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