It is on this day of youth, that I you're Pope would like to appologise to all the victims of child abuse carried out by members of the Catholic Church.
Including those of you, who are wining on about £23,000 not being enough compensation. I mean so a guy in a red dress touched your dinkle once or twice. Max Moseley whacked the shit out of those whores, and they only got 500 quid.
But oh no father Roman Hands gets a bit exited by some, soft skinned choir boy in a saucy set of robes? And that's all you can concentrate on, you concentrate to much. Back when I was a lad, we had camps for people who concentrated too much. When I was in the Hitler Youth we had lots of Concentration Camps!
They were (stops himself)
Erm sorry, naughty Pope. They are very saucy robes though.