Tuesday 19th February 2008 3:39pm [Edited]
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
Quote: sootyj @ February 19, 2008, 1:54 AM
If we talk to the calmer members of their community, and deal with them in a dignified legal manner, we can silence and emasculate them.
In the end it's how the IRA was defeated.
Got to disagree with you here. The IRA were a single organisation rallied around a single purpose; the unification of Northern Irelance and the Republic of Ireland. The Islamic terrorist issue is entirely different. There's no one single reason (or set thereof) behind what they do. There's no-one representative of the issues who can be talked to. And perhaps most disturbingly of all, their religious texts are worded such that they can be interpreted as being in support of almost any viewpoint which one may care to dream up. The only definitive solution is to ruthlessly and without exception eradicate every trace of the people, religion and culture from ever having existed. And that's not exactly a realistic idea, is it?
Quote: sootyj @ February 19, 2008, 10:15 AM
Why the Corgis, it's the ROyals, or it's Russian stylee?
The Royals. (If you wish to go out and start shooting dogs however, be my guest.)
Quote: sootyj @ February 19, 2008, 10:34 AM
Society has a duty to protects it's members from their own community and themselves.
We are way to tolerant of genital mutilation, forced marriage, cousin marriage, and religious sub courts that subvert the law.
The final insult was the government giving family benefit to polygamous families as long as they marry abroad.
Politically correct fingers in the ear attitudes, leads to much abuse of all people.
A responsible society sets universal standards, and judges those who subvert them.