Quote: Charley @ February 19, 2008, 1:58 AMThe Sun is funny. My man loves it. Probably for the tits too James lol.
Really I didn't know Littlecock was still writing for it.
Quote: Charley @ February 19, 2008, 1:58 AMThe Sun is funny. My man loves it. Probably for the tits too James lol.
Really I didn't know Littlecock was still writing for it.
Don't forget it's often the tabloids that get the breaking news stories - because their journalists have actually gone and dug something out. It can be too easy to be snobby closed-minded about newspapers.
EDITED 02:04 I seen yer, Frankie!!
I wanted to be a journalist.
I feel like starting another topical thread. Maybe on the Windsors.
Once you pay for it your funding a crime. Once you request your encouraging a crime. Anything else is an individuals choice, albeit a bad one. Personally I'm glad Mein Kampf is available on Amazon. These nasty, sordid things need to be out in the open.
The greatest defeat the BNP ever suffered was having to compete on a level playing field with out being able to claim victim status.
I'd love to see paedophilia disappear, I just don't think the law is the right way to do it. I want these people to face upto their mistakes, and their crimes, and stop doing them. The Saudis oddly enough may have done alot to deal with Al Quaeda through art therapy, and drama therapy oddly enough.
Edited by Aaron
I got mixed up/
Windsors, you know Liz was pretty hot stuff in her day. WOuldn't mind knighting her with my pork sword.
Hooray for lowering the tone.
Quote: sootyj @ February 19, 2008, 2:07 AMOnce you pay for it your funding a crime. Once you request your encouraging a crime. Anything else is an individuals choice, albeit a bad one. Personally I'm glad Mein Kampf is available on Amazon. These nasty, sordid things need to be out in the open.
The greatest defeat the BNP ever suffered was having to compete on a level playing field with out being able to claim victim status.
I'd love to see pedophilia disappear, I just don't think the law is the right way to do it. I want these people to face upto their mistakes, and their crimes, and stop doing them. The Saudis oddly enough may have done alot to deal with Al Quaeda through art therapy, and drama therapy oddly enough.
Oh by the way, the go to bed comments, they're a little imature, and I'm sure beneath you.
The go to bed comments were just a bit of fun mate! Usually on here people are mature enough to play along with the banter without getting upset, but not always.
Having read your points, I am sure you think you know what you're talking about! And maybe you do!
Goodnight Sooty!
Goodnight everyone!
Lower take it real loooooooow!
Well I'd have gifted her with a pearl necklace straight after.
Quote: James Williams @ February 19, 2008, 2:02 AMDon't forget it's often the tabloids that get the breaking news stories - because their journalists have actually gone and dug something out. It can be too easy to be snobby closed-minded about newspapers.
EDITED 02:04
I seen yer, Frankie!!
I edit all the time. Spelling mistakes mostly. Well the ones I notice anyhoo.
Quote: Charley @ February 19, 2008, 1:37 AMThere is only one reason & one alone, that any body looks at any form of porn. Because it pleases them. It gets them off.
Quote: sootyj @ February 19, 2008, 1:41 AMI've always wanted to do Queen Liz, and Phil the Greek Russian stylee whilst the Corgis watch.
Does that mean I should be beheaded.
Quote: sootyj @ February 19, 2008, 1:46 AMIf one was to add up all the assaults on minorities, vandalising of non COE churches, temples etc, homophobic attacks, and lets not forget the Mardi Gras bomber.
Then white UK residents are the most dangerous violent, terrorists in the UK. As for funding terrorists, how much money do we send to US, and Israel?
Lock up all white people I say.
Is there not a difference between mindless violence and sustained attempts at mass-murder as a route to the destruction of a whole society - and let's be quite honest here, what could be described as multiple genocides in one?
Why the Corgis, it's the ROyals, or it's Russian stylee?