British Comedy Guide

Audio sketch - History Team

This is new. I recorded it today. No pictures, but it's only a minute and a half and that's half as long as the warning you'd get in the event of a nuclear attack. So, in theory, you could listen to this and still have another minute and a half spare if such a warning was given out.

I don't think they would give a warning though, so be prepared!

Sorry Dolly, not one of your better things with the digging up everyday modern things.

A bit old hat - now that would be interesting!

You've written better, your not mocking the format at all (which is a shame as it's ripe for mockery).

And it's more a list of weakish gags about finding rubbish.

But your other stuff is way better.

Also the accents don't work very well.

Thanks for listening and feedback. Interesting.

We're performing this live, so it needs more obvious gags, nothing subtle or clever. It's also got 'in' jokes, that I suppose no one else gets lol.

Don't agree about the accents, though; one of those is my natural accent!

I thought this worked. The sketch sets up a good punch.

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ July 17 2008, 10:55 AM BST

Thanks for listening and feedback. Interesting.

We're performing this live, so it needs more obvious gags, nothing subtle or clever. It's also got 'in' jokes, that I suppose no one else gets lol.

Don't agree about the accents, though; one of those is my natural accent!

Maybe vusually it could work better.

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