British Comedy Guide

Please help me! Page 4

I can't believe they've forgotten Magna Carta. I mean did that poor woman die in vain.

First soldier killed in Iraq frontline.

The women finding Jesus's face on her slice of toast.

I genuinely hate that Billy Joel song. It's just a f**king list. There isn't even any logic to it.

Anyway, for what it's worth for Zooo's research, my list of significant "events" since 1980 (some admittedly more earth-shattering than others) off the top of my head is:

Lennon shot dead
Miners' Strike
Yuppiedom and Thatcher/Reagan-omics
Tianamen Square
Ben Johnson fails drug test
Challenger explodes
"Things can only get better" with Blair elected
9th of November
Hungerford massacre
Falklands "conflict"
Gulf War 2
Nelson comes out/end of apartheid
England win World Cup football*

*not sure if future events are included.

Quote: Badge @ July 15 2008, 12:33 AM BST

Nelson comes out

Did I miss a meeting?

At your monthly gay tea?

Quote: Aaron @ July 15 2008, 12:46 AM BST

Did I miss a meeting?

Not that Nelson ;)

Death of Petra.
'Brotherhood of Man' win Eurovision.
First woman Prime Minister.
Second c**t moves into No. 10.

Quote: Kev F @ July 13 2008, 4:11 PM BST

I am an innocent man.


Are you one of the people behind those sock puppets? I saw them on Current TV, a few months back. very small voice...the launch of the British Sitcom Guide??

take a bow Aaron and Mark


No-one can help you. Now, what was the problem again?

Dolly the sheep.

Bobbit Penis thing

The what?

Gazza (Italia 90) / Euro96
Nick Leeson
Big Brother
Dunblane shootings

Ooh Lockerbie.

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