British Comedy Guide

The Night Shift - a less crude episode

Ok this is a previous idea I had for the pilot episode. I thought it would be less crude and would start in the petrol station so that the audience are introduced to the characters better. This is only part of the episode. Please tell me what you think and whether you think it is better than the other pilot episode.

The Night Shift

The Petrol station

Simon is outside brushing the forecourt listening to his mp3 player. While James is speaking on the forecourt speaker.

James: The man brushing the forecourt is a homosexual, he has just left the closet and he’s looking for some action.

Simon continues to brush the forecourt not hearing what James said on the forecourt speaker.

James: His favourite films consist of Brokeback mountain, Bridget Jones’ diary and the Muppets Treasure island. Simon lives up to his personal rule ‘the back door is always open’.

Shaun (stranger) walks up to Simon on the forecourt.

Shaun: Hi I’m Shaun feel free to call me day or night. (Shaun gives Simon a card with his phone number on)

Shaun winks at Simon and walks away.

James: Simon has a certificate in foreplay and loves to be man handled.

Simon hears what James said and turns around to give him an evil stare and the I’m watching you sign. James gives him a cocky smile and waves back at him.

Cut to…
Opening Credits

Cut to…
Inside the Petrol station

Simon, Summer and Kyle are talking.

Summer: Ok so what are we going to do for Rachel’s surprise birthday party tomorrow and Kyle don’t say hire some strippers again.

Kyle: Why not it’ll be a surprise and if we’re really lucky she might like the strippers.

Simon: Please tell me you are talking about female strippers Kyle because the thought of you wanting male strippers is just a little bit weird. I mean I always had my suspicions about you like the time I caught you watching ‘What not to wear’.

Kyle: I wasn’t watching ‘what not to wear’ I was just channel flicking.

Simon: Of course you were like the time you were channel flicking and accidentally recorded a whole episode of ‘my dream man’.

Summer: Oh my god I watch that too. Can you believe she chose Darren?

Kyle: I know I thought she wanted Carl.

Simon: Yea your not gay why?

Kyle: Hey ‘My dream man’ has female and male viewers actually.

Simon: Yea your right it has female and homosexual male viewers.

Kyle: I’m not the one who got asked out by a gay guy called Shaun.

Simon: Oh come on that was only because James was telling people I was gay and that I go all night as long as the back door is open.

John walks out of the office and over to the till area where Simon, Summer and Kyle are talking.

Summer: Hey you guys shut up!

John: Ok guys you’ve got 10 seconds to explain to me why Rachel’s birthday party and Simon batting for the other team is part of your work.

Kyle: Well it all began in 1968 when ….

John interrupts Kyle.

John: Shut up Kyle.

Simon: Well we were on our break.

John: Oh that’s funny because I could have sworn I saw you on your break 20 minutes ago eating a sandwich and singing ‘yummy, yummy, yummy my tummy’s so hungry’ or maybe it’s just my old age.

Simon: Well memory loss is a sign of old age and you are getting on a bit I mean how old are you now 64...

John interrupts Simon.

John: Shut up Simon. Ok then Summer can you explain why you three were just stood here talking and not working?

Summer: I love what you’ve done with your hair…

John interrupts Summer.

John: So that’s a no then. Ok Simon, Kyle you two go clean the jet wash and summer you can watch the till. Oh by the way Rachel’s working tomorrow so you can’t have a party, well have fun.

John walks back into his office and closes the door.

Summer: Great what are we going to do now?

Simon: Don’t worry we’ll just close the shop in the middle of the night and have the party here it’s not like John Bull in there will know he wont be here.

Summer: That’s a great idea.

Simon: See I’m not just a pretty face.

Kyle: Is that what Shaun told you.

John: You know guys I can still see you on the CCTV.

Cut to…
The Supermarket

Simon and Summer are shopping for party supplies at the Supermarket.

Simon: You know when I offered to push the trolley I didn’t know we’d be buying this much stuff I mean why in god’s name do we need 40 bottles of Vodka. You know Summer it’s ok if you want to admit that you’ve got a problem.

Summer: Stop winging be happy you’re here with me.

Simon: Yea I am happy I’m here with you, I’d be even happier if you walked in front now that would be a Kodak moment. Ok so serious question how many people are actually coming to this secret party?

Summer: About 30 maybe 40 people.

Simon: I hate to break it to you but it’s not much of a secret party if there’s gonna be 40 people there. Can we actually fit 40 people in the garage.

Summer: Don’t worry it’ll be fine we’ll just squeeze them in.

Simon: Ok then so we’ll just squeeze this mass of tightly packed ravers into the not so big petrol station and just hope they don’t trash the place.

Summer: Sounds like a plan to me.

Simon: So are we all going to get drunk and just hope John doesn’t notice in the morning. I mean that will work for Danny because lets be honest he’s usually got a couple of screws loose but I think John might notice if we can barely stand up because you’ve made us drink a keg of Vodka.

Summer: Why are you so worried, what’s the worst that could happen?

Simon: Well do you remember what happened the time we played strip poker at work and that Hobo stole our clothes.

Summer: Oh yea he just came out of nowhere. But it’s different this time, we’ve got balloons.

Cut to…
The same time at the petrol station

Danny and Rachel stood talking behind the counter.

Danny is sat scratching a scratch card.

Danny: Damn it I lost again.

Rachel: You know maybe you should just stop buying them.

Danny: There must be a winner here somewhere.

Rachel: You can’t stop can you. Your addicted.

Danny: I’m not addicted but I’m not stopping till I’ve won.

Rachel: Yea your definitely not addicted.

Danny: Yea but if I stop happy Larry will walk through the door and win £50 on one.

Rachel: Your gonna have to stop soon because your running out of money.

Danny: So I’ll just stick it on the plastic.

Rachel: Have you actually got any money on the plastic?

Danny: No but I’m always going overdrawn and the bank let me because they love me. Every letter I get from the bank tells me I’m OD by so much.

John steps out of the office and overhears Rachel and Danny’s conversation.

Danny: Rachel it’s fine I’m always OD’ing.

Rachel: Danny just admit you’ve got a problem.

John: Danny have you got a drug problem?

Danny: No why?

John: Don’t lie to me Danny I just overheard you telling Rachel your always OD’ing if I catch you high at work your out of here Mr.

Danny: I was talking about going overdrawn on my card.

John: Yea of course you were and I’m the Pope.

John walks back into his office. Danny scratches off another scratch card.

Danny: Yes! I won, I won.

Danny jumps up and down in the air.

Rachel: How much did you win?

Danny: A pound.

Rachel: So that just paid for the scratch card you just bought. So what about all the other money you lost on the other scratch cards?

Danny: Hey my system works there’s no need to try and spoil my winning moment.

Comments Withdrawn - Impossible to tell if those posting after me have realised the joke or not and i don't want to be lumped in with them if they haven't!

This shows promise.

Echo what Pete says, more of a plot, more jokes, but it definitely has potential. There was something set in a petrol station a year or two ago on BBC Three. Had a tall guy with a beard in it, and that one with the bald head. That doesn't mean to say you can't make a go of this though.

One note though, I had a tip once not to call more than two characters by the same letter. And you've got Simon, Summer and Shaun here. They said it made it harder to read.

So you are a proper writer excellent. Nice character work, good lines, funny, and the beginnings of a nice plot.

This could go places, it's a definite start.

A considerable improvement on the first episode posted. As sootyj says, a plot idea with legs, though having had Simon point out all the things that can go wrong you are in danger of painting yourself into a corner, unless you have something completely different up your sleeve. Some decent character work, though you do have a lot of characters of seemingly equally importance, so you are going to need some sub-plots. Do the gay stuff and the scratchcards actually go anywhere? The gay stuff I actually found a bit distasteful. James accuses Simon of being gay, Simon accuses Kyle of being gay... It just smacks of homphobia and bullying.

There is humour in the script, but for me it needs to be tighter and punchier.

Hmm I agree on the gay stuff, making jokes about gays is abit old hat. But it's a small easilt rectified point.

Easily rectified??? Is this another gay joke?

Quote: sootyj @ July 5 2008, 11:09 AM BST

Hmm I agree on the gay stuff, making jokes about gays is abit old hat.

Shouldn't that be brown hat?

Damn, I'm doing it now.

You are all so

up your own arses
buggering, oops I mean bugging me,
making a big "fist of things,"
behind the times
browning me off

is that enough for now?

Quote: Pete @ July 4 2008, 9:57 PM BST

Comments Withdrawn - Impossible to tell if those posting after me have realised the joke or not and i don't want to be lumped in with them if they haven't!

Oh is this another wind up then? How tiresome. But to be honest even now the joke has been pointed out, I don't get it.

Well, the original poster has been banned, so it's a moot point now anyway.

Very little point keeping this thread open, people can put their energy into reading others work instead of this guy's crap.

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