British Comedy Guide


INT. Theatrical agent's office. MR COOK sits at his desk. He picks up his telephone.

Miss Rigby? Stella, love, send in the next one.

WOMAN enters.

Ah, Miss Spiggott, is it? What can I do for you?

I'd like to audition for the role of Tarzan.

Job's yours. (beat) Bloody Harman.


Nice one, and swift.

I am the new sootyj.

Your grammar needs to be a lot worse, Bandage old son.

Ok, I'm obviously having a dull moment, can someone explain this one to me please.

Huzzah! Glad to hear the Milliband brothers ride again.

I've just sent it to News Revue. Fingers crossed.

Almost at end of the run, would suggest Treason Show, just now asking for stuff.

Not expecting them to use it, just getting my name out there.

My real name, obviously.

Oh certainly worth sending, and if no luck this week, send in 2 weeks for the new director.

Still no reply, the arrogant bastards. :P

Cuh! Well, that's it for me and the comedy game.

This is a decent NR skit. Well done, Graham old son.

If you send it to TS you may get feedback.

emphasis on the may.

Don't I have to send them two sketches?

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