For bumming? 'Cos they all have AIDS down that way, donchaknow?
Zimbabwe Page 5
This is the level of the tone -----------------
and this is you ---------------------
Yay! \o/
Quote: Aaron @ June 23 2008, 10:13 PM BSTAbsolutely f**king shocking. Definitive proof that the Iraqi war is down to oil. If there was ever a country which needed external military intervention, this is it.
Damn straight Aaron!
I knew it would be inevitable that the situation that has now occured in Zimbabwe has happened. In my opinion what should have happened was troops from South Africa should have gone into the country and made sure that the election was being ran fairly. Agreed, South Africa cut off resources to Zimbabwe and cripple the bastards (not the Zimbabwe people, the government and the secret police). Those who say that if South Africa did cut off resources, the people of Zimbabwe would unfairly suffer, then how on earth could they suffer anymore than they are now.
The problem for SA is they haven't fairly redistributed their own land yet.
But that's no excuse.
Any man who wears photo's of himself on his jacket can't be all bad surely?
Land should not be "re"-distributed. It should be sold and bought as normal.
Quote: sootyj @ June 24 2008, 10:01 PM BSTWho?
If you look at the TV coverage Ebagum has a green jacket with his own images on it. Coolio!
He is quite a funny guy, for a murderous nutjob.
I bet he'd be a great stand up.
(In the style of Bernard Manning)
Right then are we all 'ere? Any darkies in the room. Come on smile ya buggers and show yaselves.
I just had a surreal moment. I watched that clip with the background music of 'I Could Have Danced All Night' played on a church organ which I thought for some reason was brilliant musical accompaniment. It turned out that I'd forgot to turn BBC iplayer off after Radcliffe and Maconie and was listening to 'The Organist Entertains'. Freak out man.
Quote: Aaron @ June 23 2008, 10:13 PM BSTThe Iraqi war is down to oil.
As if there was any doubt.