British Comedy Guide

My First Sitcom Script Page 2

It's not my fault, it's the forums. No other forum has done this.


Too much swearing? Are you mental? Where's a swear?

Quote: Luke @ June 27 2008, 10:56 AM BST

It's not my fault, it's the forums. No other forum has done this.

It doesn't matter who's 'fault' it is. As a writer it's your job to ensure your work is legible and coherent.

And blimey is blasphemy according to the BBC too!

Quote: Marc P @ June 27 2008, 11:03 AM BST

And blimey is blasphemy according to the BBC too!

True, as it's a contraction of 'God blind me'.

Luke - did the other forums also tell you that you went on about being gay too much?

I know that but why is it blasphemy?

Because it's taking the Lord's name in vain. The fact that it is disguised does not hide the intent so technically it is still blasphemy.

Well its not really in vain is it? The Australian expression 'God swallow my cock I'm that hungry I could bite the bum out of a low flying duck' could be construed as such but God blind me doesn't seem to be taking his name in vain.

And also.... what does taking his name in vain mean???

What Griff said. I think it's somewhere in the first few commandments.

I've no idea where bloody comes from but if it is the contraction you mention then it's not blasphemy. Heresy maybe but not blasphemy. And it's definitely a swear, just a very mild one.

Well I know what it means lol.
But what does the 'vain' bit mean. In vain to me means not succesful. And taking a name is an odd one as well.

Confusing business and I is a Catholic. Well sort of.


GADZOOKS is God's hooks.

Basically it means anything apart from the correct use - i.e. talking about God.

Quote: Luke @ June 27 2008, 10:56 AM BST

It's not my fault, it's the forums. No other forum has done this.

If you're using Word, it may be that you have AutoCorrect-> AutoFormat set for "smart quotes".

I used to have the same problem cutting and pasting out of Appleworks into browsers. Having posted I would have to edit the post and reinsert the apostrophes. Which is what Luke should have done.

Since switching to NeoOffice I have not had a problem.

Quote: Luke @ June 27 2008, 10:56 AM BST

It's not my fault, it's the forums. No other forum has done this.

Forget the script, your attitude is at polar opposites to that required in getting someone to read your stuff. When a producer (from the planet nutcase) asks to meet you and you arrive an hour late will you blame his office for not being in an easy to find part of town?

You dont need to come across like your desperate (i take the approach that a producer is lucky to be seeing my work) but you do need to be professional. Presenting an unreadable script isnt that.


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