Please adjust your brows to low and then check out the latest update in my Muscle Whisperer series. Comments welcome.
Mr Pie.
Please adjust your brows to low and then check out the latest update in my Muscle Whisperer series. Comments welcome.
Mr Pie.
Great stuff Shoe man, animation gets better and smoother every time. I was I could be bothered to do it myself, lol.
Thanks Leevil. Yeah you should do it, get drawing! Chop chop!!
5 stars - again. Loved the fall-down animation part and the lip-synch on this is ace.
Thanks, it's apreciated. The lip synch. is in fact the easiest part to do, but don't tell anyone that!
well done shoey. another good one.
from techie point of view your animation has come on leaps and bounds keep it up my good man.
Agreed - have a peek at it people, if you haven't already.
The animation was very good. I remember seeing one a while back which was set on an underground train. I liked the animation to that one too.
Scriptwise: It was well structured and I did come close to laughing, but it seemed to be missing that something extra. For me.
Thanks. When I look at my stuff from last year I'm pretty pleased with how the animation has moved on. Still a long way to go but getting there!
I agree it's missing something to really tip it over the edge. I can't work out what though.
if it's performance (not enough energy in the acting) or script (not enough actual gags). Or characters/storylines need to be more original or.... just everything needs to be plussed!!!
So I'm not sure what lesson from this I can take into my next one. Just be better I suppose!