EDIT - by SlagA
These questions crop up repeatedly. To avoid us all saying the same thing - have a peek at these questions and excellent responses.
Hey guys. Not long after writing my first script (well, a pilot and two episodes after it) and I've just a few questions I was hoping you could all answer for me before I get it ready and send it off to production companies. Some are perhaps a bit obvious, but better safe than sorry.
Firstly, would you recommend sending off the script to as many production companies as possible that the script would be suitable for or should I send it to them individually, or how should I go about doing this. Have looked about the forums and alot of the advice given was really helpful, but still not too sure what the best approach is.
Secondly, how important is the formatting of the script and the use of proper screenwriting terms? I used the Script Smart template from Writersroom to write it but thought when comparing it to sample scripts I found online that it looked as though what Script Smart was putting onto two pages would have easily fitted onto one page using the formatting of the sample scripts I looked at. Also I haven't overly used proper screenwriting terms as I only found out the other day what terms such as "int." and "ext." mean in screenwriting, which seem to be pretty basic terms
Thridly, how important is the timing of the script? I have read before about how each page of the script should last about 1 minute, however given what I said above about believing Script Smart is making my script look longer than it actually is the timing of my script hasn't really held true to this rule. Having timed the scripts running through them myself they have all come to around just under 20 minutes each so far which I fear might be seen as too short by production companies, however I don't want to be adding to them just for the sake of it.
Forthly, From experience is it better to have your entire series completed when sending off your script, or would I be best to wait and hear back from the companies before writing more if they like my ideas?
Finally, when asked to send 10 pages of your script, as certain companies request, would you recommend just sending the first 10 pages of the pilot script, or would sending 10 pages further on in the script, or from a different episode be a better idea if the content in them is potentially better?