When is the right time to send a 'gentle reminder' to production companies about the script you sent a few months back?
Three months? Four months? Longer?
When is the right time to send a 'gentle reminder' to production companies about the script you sent a few months back?
Three months? Four months? Longer?
I have absolutely no idea, but maybe...well... would they tell you if they have read it and not liked it? Perhaps that's the case But it's probably not, so don't listen to me!
It is always easier to say no than to say yes, so I would only recommend chasing up if you really want your manuscript back.
Quote: Charly @ June 13 2008, 6:25 PM BSTI have absolutely no idea, but maybe...well... would they tell you if they have read it and not liked it?
You do start to worry that if they don't respond, it's probably because they found it so bland and insipid, it failed to register in their minds.
Sometimes though, they do genuinely lose* it and then apologise before asking you to send it again.
*never get round to properly reading it because they know if they ignore it for long enough, it might go away
Quote: Splodge @ June 13 2008, 6:18 PM BSTWhen is the right time to send a 'gentle reminder' to production companies about the script you sent a few months back?
Three months? Four months? Longer?
Three months would be okay. Go for it.
I chased one up yesterday and was told there were about 30 in the pile above ours.
At least we know they're aware of it though - unless they say that to everyone.
I sent a synopsis and ten pages to a company who specifically ask for that as an unsolicitied submission on March 14th. Their guidelines say to feel free to chase them up after 6 weeks if you haven't heard, which I did, very politely, by email. They responded immediately and said sorry, no they hadn't read it, but would reply as soon as they could. It is now 3 months, obviously, and I'm wondering what's happening, but at least I know they have it and that they know I am keen. Still, waiting's a bitch, ain't it?
When chasing up a prod co what exactly should you say?
I have read in a number of places that you politely ask them if they received your work and that you should never ask them if they have read it yet.
What is the right approach?
Surely the ONLY reason to chase is to get them to read it or admit it wasn't for them. If they read it and liked it you would have heard by now so "have you read it" isn't what you want to ask.
I'd be saying something like "i sent you a script on XYZ date (dont say 3 months ago - sounds whiny) If you could be so kind as to let me know if it is still waiting to be read it would be much appreciated. My intention was to only approach another production company if it was something you felt unable to pursue yourselves, hence any feedback would be greatly received.
Bit off the top of my head but the jist is "will you read it or did you and it sucks?"
It also taps into two things no one likes, guilt and fear - someone that read it and didn't bother to tell you may be inclined to let you know if they think you're waiting on them for your next move and someone who hasn't read it may be inclined to do so if you show a little balls with a "you want it? cause the next guy might" line.
(based on my experience of getting people to do what i want for a living and nothing to do with script writing!)