Friday 13th June 2008 12:18am
4,203 posts
Quote: Deferenz @ June 12 2008, 8:42 PM BST
Not everyone. I like to amass as much knowledge as I can, and you bring us tips from beyond the mountains which are pretty useful things to know.
So pour forth your experience....
No revelations . . . Though channels want more female lead shows, which doesn't help me one bit!
Everything that was said was 'me' specific really. The person was very complimentary about me and my work and was really keen to work with me, which is always flattering.
And, like my other meeting, they said most unsolicited stuff was shit. Again, no help to anyone!
Sorry, I've let you all down.
Quote: Winterlight @ June 12 2008, 8:55 PM BST
Yes. I have learnt that wearing cords to a prod co meeting does you no harm.
Or brown trousers and a nice shirt 
And jumpers are good too.