Thursday 12th June 2008 4:26pm
51,287 posts
Dik often wouldn't respond to this form of criticism. I'm an aspiring comedy writer, so I go for all sorts of comedy. As it happens about the only people who are continuously looking for skit writing, are a couple of stage shows. Writing for them means I get alot of feed back (if only in terms of whats accepted). So a skit like this is a response to a specific request (e.g. on Cameron, and Tory MP expenses).
It's no great shakes but it's the kind of simple audience pleasing stuff, thats got a good chance of being used in the final week before a show.
Personally I prefer satire, it's a style of writing I'm comfortable with. But as I've been comissioned to write a screenplay, and am entering some different talent comps this summer, you'll probably see some different stuff from me.
By the way personal remarks are a bit cheap, and not really in the spirit of fair criticism. You'd end up giving the impression, you don't really have to make to say on comedy. I'm sure thats not the case.