Wednesday 11th June 2008 12:46pm [Edited]
31,465 posts
The Mighty Boosh - First series was great, and I loved the framing device of Vince and Howard addressing the camera. After Series 1, despite the odd classic episode, it did tend to disappear up itself.
Look Around You - A punchy first series followed up by a flabby somewhat directionless second series, only redeemed by a corking series finale.
The Office - Technically the second series is better and shows writers and actors growing in confidence, but I love the first series more because in it David Brent is unassailable. And, despite his many flaws, I love him. In the second series a zsense of doom hangs over him and you just know he's going to end up sacked.
Also, I'm not quite sure why people have a problem with series 2 and 3 of Black Books. They seemed exactly the same in tone and quality as the first series. Yes, Graham Linehan had thrown a hissy fit and walked off, but it didn't really affect quality.