Thursday 5th June 2008 3:37pm [Edited]
Royal Berkshire
69,989 posts
Quote: dingo @ June 5 2008, 11:38 AM BST
I'm not ashamed, but I liked the apparently unpopular Nathan Barley and Never Better.
In keeping with Timbo's revelation, I'll say this...(prepping to be lambasted)...I think Father Ted is over rated. Hit me with your best shot, I can take it. Would it take the edge off to know I don't like Red Dwarf either? Probably didn't help, eh?
Hey, I also think Supernova and Hyperdrive are bad!
Never Better - Good.
Nathan Barley - Really hated it, but intending to watch again soon.
Father Ted - Agreed. Good, very funny at times, but not amazing.
Supernova - Not brilliant, but again it has its moments.
Hyperdrive - Utter shite.
Quote: revspike @ June 5 2008, 11:47 AM BST
Oh my gosh, not sure I'd admit to that!
Why not? The 'racist' stigma the show has?
Quote: Timbo @ June 5 2008, 12:34 PM BST
as is Simon Pegg in general.