Marc P
Sunday 1st June 2008 7:56pm [Edited]
17,698 posts
Apart from the commandments, and some grafitti at Stonehenge, nothing is written in, err... stone.
Unlikey isn't impossible.
Surprises me how often people who want to write for television discount theatre as a way in. Or novels.
Having said that a demonstable grasp of the commerical and artistic realities doesn't hurt. So as a UK based writer - I would start off writing about what you know - not what you know about from watching other shows, which is how it would, unfortuanately perhaps, be perceived before the said project is even read.
But again I am contracdicting myself, sort of - as I once wrote a sitcom pilot set in Australia because my brother was living in Sydney at the time and got him to post it internally as it were, with a view to getting it taken up and funding my move over there for a few years.
Sometimes it doesn't hurt to think outside of the box or normal channels. At the end of the day though - it really comes down to the project. If it's really good people will notice. Might not get made but it might get you an agent, contacts etc.