Writers note:
This really is a visual joke, it would depend heavily on the action. The task of writing it down in black and white most liely kills the joke but try and visualise it
Sketch Ref: Inappropriate places to break wind
Plain black TEXT against white
TEXT: Inappropriate places to break wind
Voice Over
(Said in a very formal, professional voice, Male or female. It says the text out loud)
Inappropriate places to break wind
A man is up a ladder, only his waist downwards can be seen. He is hanging a sign up in a supermarket
A little old lady walks past man. A she walks next to him so his bottom is directly next to her head he farts loudly which badly startles her
Fades out to more plain black TEXT against white
TEXT: While up a ladder
Voice Over
(It says the text out loud)
While up a ladder
Sketch ends