The thread title sounds a little depressive, but I didn't want to get your hopes up with a title like "HEARD FROM A PRODUCER TODAY!!!".
A while back I submitted some sketches to a producer. I got in touch with the producer by getting hold of his email address and then sending an email asking if it was ok to submit some sketches to a show he worked on. He replied fairly quickly and said it was fine. I sent off 5 sketches that I thought would be suitable for the show in question.
That was about a month ago and I'd assumed that no news was bad news. Then I got an email from the producer today. He said he couldn't use the sketches, but was very polite and nice about it. He said there were some good lines, ideas and the punchline to one of the sketches was good. He gave some advice as well which was quite helpful, so I do have something to work from.