I am feeling a bit bruised and battered today.
My writing partner and I sent out our pilot script to a number of prodco's in early Feb and I've just had one of them give some feedback.
Ouch! It was awful. It didn't have a good thing to say about our work. I currently feel deflated and pretty useless.
I know you have to take the rough with the smooth but the first time the rough hits it bloody hurts.
When the script was ready it went first to Marc Blake. He pointed out things he really liked and things he didn't like. He said we were very strong in certain areas and not as good in others. Fair enough. So we worked hard on the poorer parts before doing a final draft ready for sending out.
So why is it that where people like Marc Blake tell you things are really good, another set of feeback tells you the complete opposite?
I know I just need to pick myself up and continue writing but getting a knock does tend to jolt the confidence.