Is it a bit like Tennis elbow?
In another thread Lucy wonders why writers are so paranoid and protective about their ideas that they'd worry about meeting up to network with each other.
I once asked a member of another forum why he put his scripts and synopsis on the net? Wasn't he afraid of them being nicked. His response was excellent, so i summarised the email below:
1) Good writers are too busy getting their own ideas onto paper to worry about nicking other people's ideas
2) Only poor writers need to nick an idea and they won't sustain a series on a nicked joke or premise
3) The greatest theives in the biz aren't fellow writers but the producers that we inevitably have to place our ideas before
4) Even our ideas (as original as we like to think they are) are nicked. By that he meant, that we take existing ideas / premises and modify them. The talent comes in what we make of a non-original idea. For example, Lord of the Rings is ripped directly from Aristotle or Plato (A moral tale about a man that has a ring that makes him invisible) Tolkein's genius was in the believable Middle Earth context he created as a vehicle for the 'borrowed' (and i'm being generous with the word 'borrowed') idea
5) Finally (and a brilliant response), he said that when he's finished one idea, he's off writing something hopefully even better. If someone ever nicked an idea, so what? He had plenty of others. It wasn't as if it was the one and only idea he was likely to have. Comedy writers don't have a finite number of gags that once written leave them spent
Hope this helps alleviate all that worry out there in sitcom land.
______________________________________________________________ - Anarchic Welsh writers - a new Sci-fi / Humour writer