British Comedy Guide

Crossing The Road Sketch

A few weeks ago, I had an idea for a sketch premise involving an old woman trying to cross the road. I had a go at finishing it off today and this is what I came up with. D'you think the build up is too long?

Ext. Street

An old woman stands at the edge of a busy road. She looks hesitant to cross. A young man walks past.

Man: D'you need a hand crossing?

Woman: Yes please.

The man links arms with her and they cross the road. They reach the other side.

Man: Ok?

Woman: Thank you ever so much, young man. You deserve a reward.

The woman pulls out her purse and starts rooting around.

Man: No. No. I don't want paying!

Woman: You really are a good Samaritan aren't-


The man grabs the old woman and pulls her to the side. A bike bell rings as a cyclist flies past. The man looks at the woman who is clinging to him.

Man: Are you ok?

Woman: (SHAKILY) I'm fine.

Man: (PAUSE) D'you think you could let go?

The woman slowly peels herself off the man.

Man: You're sure you're ok?

Woman: Yes. Yes. Don't let me keep you any longer!

Man: Ok. Bye.

Woman: Bye bye! And thanks again.

The man departs. The old woman watches him leave. She then turns round and whistles. The cyclist comes riding over.

Cyclist: Did it work?

The old woman smiles and holds up a man's wallet and watch.


It's quite compact so length is fine. It just felt a little obvious.

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