British Comedy Guide

Love is...

Ok here is something for yous to critique. Don't hold back now Pleased

'Love is...'


(HUSBAND and WIFE are enjoying a romantic candlelit dinner. They are holding hands and gazing lovingly into each others eyes)

Husband: Darling, we've been married ten whole years yet it feels like only two. I am so lucky to have found you. [Beat] I love you more as each day passes.

Wife: I love you more

Husband: I love you even more

Wife: I love you like it's going out of fashion

Husband: Yeah? Well I love you so much that even though it's going out of fashion, I'm wearing it regardless. It's all about retro. That's love.

(He lovingly cuffs her chin when he says this. Getting slightly annoyed at being upstaged in the love stakes she tries again. Her voice slightly raised and aggressive)

Wife: Well I love you so much that it feels as though it's gone out of fashion and *I've* designed the latest version.

(Husband is also getting wound up and raises his voice)

Husband: Oh really? I love you so much that I don't need fashion at all. I am naked.

(Wife is full on aggressive now)

Wife: Oooh goody! I love you so much that not only am I naked I have shaved completely.

(It has evolved into a blazing row)

Husband: Well I've shaved and turned my innards inside out.

Wife: My innards are out and spattered all over the pavement.

Husband: Ha! Mine aren't on the pavement but displayed for all to see in the local butcher's window.

Wife: Mine has been bought from the butchers and has been cooked and eaten.

Husband: Mine has been eaten and shat out.

Wife: Mine has been eaten, shat out and is being used as fertilizer at the Chelsea Flower Show.

(Man reaches down and produces a bunch of roses and slams them on the table, knocking over his glass of wine)

Husband: Yeah? Well happy anniversary, darling!

(Lights dim)

It's a nice idea. I think it might be better if the escalation was slightly different. The stuff about the innards doesn't really work for me, it's not quite a logical progression from being naked and shaved. Good sketch though.

It's a very solid, good idea, and totally ace punch.

It works, but could be even sharper, with more variation in how they exagerate.

Thanks for the comments.

Yup I echo Sooty. Great Idea & I enjoyed it. There is always room for sharpness on any sketch. Well done mate.

Was this a Dumbfunded Man vs Woman entry!?

Quote: Rebecca Davies @ May 22 2008, 9:55 PM BST

Was this a Dumbfunded Man vs Woman entry!?

Yep, Rebecca, yes it was. Clever person.. :D

"It's all about retro." Brilliant.

Aww thank you, Graham.

That said they'll (Dumbfunded) prolly tell me to do one.

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