PHILIPPA: Why do they keep calling things 'Frankenstein Science'?
PHILIPPA: Things like these new hybrid embryos they want to do. Why call it 'Frankenstein Science'?
SIMON: I suppose it’s because they take genes from one thing and splice them into another. And Frankenstein took bits from different bodies and stuck them together.
PHILIPPA: But gene splicing creates a new, viable form of life. Like with genetically modified crops. If you did what Frankenstein did and, for example, stuck bits of potato with bits of lamb and bits of onion, you wouldn’t have a genetically modified crop. You’d have a shepherd’s pie.
SIMON: I suppose...
PHILIPPA: Surely they should call it 'Dr. Moreau Science'?
SIMON: I guess so. why do you ask?
PHILIPPA: I was reading this article about how they're planning to put human genes into animal embryos to harvest stem cells.
SIMON: I read that too. Kind of worrying isn't it?
PHILIPPA: I'm just looking forward to seeing a minotaur in the maze at Hampton Court.