Ext. Lunar landscape, Earth showing half full in sky.
Grams: Also Sprach Zarathustra
An astronaut bounces slowly into shot, bounding across the surface of the moon.
Cut to a different shot of the astronaut, still bouncing in the low gravity, looking up as he approaches a large dark rectanglular monolith standing on the moon.
Astronaut trips. Grams ends with sound of stylus scratching across record.
ASTRONAUT: (distorted by talking through spacesuit radio) Shit!
As he stumbles, he bumps into the monolith which slowly topples.
Pull back to show toppling monolith bumping against another monolith just behind it, which also begins to topple, knocking over a third monolith just behind that. Camera continues to pull back to show a row of monoliths stacked like dominos, all about to be toppled.